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Individual donations are essential for us to continue to provide valuable services to asylum seekers and refugees in Bristol
We are deeply thankful to everyone who has donated to our work. Without your support we would not be able to provide such vital support to our members.
Here are some examples of how your donation could help:
£5: e.g. it will cover the cost of a day's travel for one of our members to come to sleep support sessions or for one of our volunteers.
£10: e.g. to provide English language materials, such as dictionaries for our English classes.
£100: e.g. to help buy fruit and vegetables to distribute to about 50 members on Tuesdays.

You can also donate by bank transfer:
Name: Borderlands (South West) Limited
Account Number: 73380768
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Lloyds Bank
You can help us further when you donate by Gift Aid. This makes your donation 25% more valuable at no extra cost! The Gift Aid scheme allows charities to claim back the tax you have paid on your income. You need to be a UK taxpayer and tell us your name and address by completing
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